The Last Samurai
The Last Samurai is an action/drama film written by John Logan and directed by Edward Zwick that was released in the United States on December 5, 2003. The plot deals with American soldier Nathan Algren (played by Tom Cruise) whose personal and emotional conflicts bring him into contact with samurai in the wake of the Meiji Restoration in the Empire of Japan between 1876 and 1877.The film's plot is loosely based on the 1877 Satsuma Rebellion led by Saigo Takamori, and also on the story of Jules Brunet, a French army captain who fought alongside Enomoto Takeaki in the Boshin War. The historical roles in Japanese westernization by the United Kingdom, Germany and France are largely attributed to the United States in the film, and characters in the film and the real story are simplified for plot purposes. While it is not an accurate source of historical information, the film illustrates some major issues in Japanese history.The final battle scene bears many echos of Akira Kurosawa's 1980 epic "Kagemusha". Although this film was set three centuries earlier, it too explores the contrast between the traditional Japanese approach to war and more modern techniques, weapons and attitudes.
Directed by Edward Zwick
Produced by Tom Cruise,Tom EnglemanMarshall HerskovitzScott KroopfPaula WagnerEdward Zwick
Written by Story: John Logan
Screenplay: John Logan, Edward Zwick, Marshall Herskovitz
Starring Tom Cruise,Ken Watanabe,Masato Harada,Koyuki,Hiroyuki Sanada
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